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The Atlantic Forest Agroforestry project is promoting the restoration of one of the most threatened biomes in the world. the municipality of Timburi, SP, was chosen to host the pilot phase of the project and will have the opportunity to become the first city in the state to transform its landscape through the implementation of agroforestry systems.

What we are doing in Timburi?

The pilot phase of this project started in December 2020. For the next 18 months, we will implement 100 hectares of agroforestry in about 30 farms in the municipality of Timburi, SP.

The role of PRETATERRA, supported by the UBS Optimus Foundation, will be in mapping the agroforestry or restoration areas, creating the design of the systems according to the demands of each farmer, coordinating the planning and implementation, supplying seedlings and inputs, and also supporting organization, operations planting and guidance on management techniques. In return, partner farmers commit to taking care of the land for the next 30 years.

0 ha
selected farmers
indirectly benefited families
trees planted
0 ton
of CO2 (eq) sequestered


Be resilient facing climate change

Enhance self-sufficiency and food security

restore soils, springs and water quality

be at front of the market

Diversify their source of income

restore landscapes and forests


Founded by forestry engineers Valter Ziantoni and Paula Costa, PRETATERRA is an initiative dedicated to the dissemination of regenerative agroforestry systems, developing replicable and elastic designs, combining scientific data, empirical information, and traditional knowledge with technological innovations, building a new productive paradigm that is sustainable, resilient and enduring.
The Foundation of the Swiss bank UBS, with leadership in promoting impact philanthropies that result in innovative solutions to environmental and social issues. Through the actions of its partners, the UBS Optimus Foundation is improving health, education, and child protection systems around the world, and fighting environmental degradation and climate change in search of a sustainable future.
Timburi is a municipality in the southwest of the state of São Paulo, on the border with Paraná and surrounded by the rivers Paranapanema and Itararé. Timburi was founded in 1948, but the colonization of the region took place in the 18th century. Currently, with 2,646 inhabitants, it has the opportunity to be the first city in the state to transform its landscape through agroforestry. The municipality is a partner of the “Timburi Agroforestry Project.

You can support the project!

By helping with just US$ 2 you fund the planting and management of 1 tree in one of our agroforests, contributing to the restoration of ecological corridors, providing ecosystem services, and preserving wildlife.

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